POD Scanning Solution

Many of our clients wanted to improve the efficiency of their Proof of Delivery (POD) handling. Although their existing transport management software allowed them to store POD documents in their transport application, the option of buying the additional software required to automate the process just did not justify the investment.
The key requirement was to be able to scan multiple documents, such as PODs (plus additional paperwork), in large batches, in the order of 50-100 pages, and have the POD scanning system automatically recognise the barcodes, and sort the batch into individual PODs. It was, however, necessary to generate a notable return on the investment, based on the cost of the time staff were spending handling POD documents individually, to justify the project.
The Transfocus Solution
One of our first objectives was to develop a simple POD Scanning Solution that was easy to setup and maintain. Allowing users to setup multiple document types for POD while also being effective for manifest or run sheets. Including a simple set of configuration options to tell the system whether additional paperwork was expected and the ability to set the naming convention of the POD output file were other objectives. Allowing users to set the naming convention of the output file made it easy for the document to be easily read and imported into the main transport system.
The final solution was simple. Users are now able to scan large batches of POD documents to a scanning folder, directly from a scanner or photocopier, and individual POD documents then become available in an output folder.