
Creating and sending customer invoices has never been easier, and catering to different terms and customer specific agreements are no longer a road block to invoice automation.

Whilst many logistics companies are constantly trying to gain efficiency through streamlining customer terms and pricing, there are always exceptions. These exceptions are often made to accommodate and retain the business of the key customers.

The Transfocus invoicing system provides both the setup capability and tools to enable you to automate your invoicing process.

Invoicing Grouping

Invoicing grouping allows you to control the consolidation of your jobs into a single invoice, or provides one job per invoice by default, but this can be overridden for your chosen customers.

Invoice Layout

This feature provides you with the flexibility to assign different invoice layouts to different customers. A customer wanting one job per invoice may want a detailed invoice, one containing a lot of information, whereas a customer who gives you a large number of jobs may prefer a consolidated layout across a smaller number of pages.

Invoice Frequency

The invoice frequency by customer setting makes it easier to manage customers who must receive a weekly or monthly invoice, whilst providing the flexibility to create and send other invoices immediately. This feature allows all invoices to be sent as early as possible ensuring the maintenance of a strong cash flow.

Invoice Delivery Method

Help control and automate the customers who are happy to receive invoices electronically, allowing any remaining invoices to be printed and mailed.